Agile Scrum Master

The Scrum Master is the highest level of credential an individual can obtain. Beingcert Agile Scrum master training program focusses on enhancing the skillset of the Scrum professionals attained Agile and Scrum experience. The Scrum master is capable enough of understanding the requirements of the product and monitoring the team and acknowledges the skills and knowledge of Agile and scrum. Scrum practices consist of preparing cross-functional and self-managed teams to create a sizable deliverable at the end of each sprint. With this certification, it asserts to adopt Agile or Scrum in the workplace.

Responsibilities of Scrum Master

  • Establishing an environment where teams can be effective.
  • Duly address the team dynamics.
  • Ensure healthy relationship between the team and the product owner
  • Safeguard team from any kind of interruptions and distractions.

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Candidates must have the knowledge of Scrum framework.